Young Adult Autumn Retreat

a young adult weekend experience full of lake house vibes right on
Lake Champlain in St. Albans, Vermont

September 27-29, 2024  ///  cost: $45/person

rest, relax, retreat

check-in: Friday, September 27 at 7pm
check-out: Sunday, September 29 at 2pm

You can look forward to staying at a cozy Airbnb owned by one of our District's own, morning lake views, yummy food & treats, maple creemies, local town excursions, spiritual experiences, and new friendships!

There is a limit to the number of beds available between the two cottages, so please register by September 20 to secure your bed! Overflow numbers will need to tent camp on the property, but even those spots will be limited. Everyone will have access to the cottages for eating, lounging, and restrooming.

Available amenities: kitchen, full bathroom, laundry, towels, bedding, and lake access

contact Kenna Cicekci with questions or 443-366-4463

register! register!